Testimonials from our trade partners

Ethos Environmental on Vimeo

Ethos Environmental

Transylvania LTD on Vimeo

Transylvania LTD

Magnum Edge on Vimeo

Magnum Edge

BluSky Trade Partners

If you or your firm would like to contribute to what we do, please complete the forms below and submit them as directed.

Instructions: How to Complete BluSky’s Trade Partner Qualification
1: Master Subcontractor Agreement
2: Subcontractor Work Order (fillable)
3: W-9 (fillable)
4: Work & Services Offered/Licenses Held (fillable)
5: Certification of Business Designation (fillable)
6: Company Info and References (fillable)
7: Insurance Document Samples
Payment Terms - How to Get Paid Accurately and On Time
Workers Comp – Exempt Status Form
Jobsite Rules
Immigration Reform and Control Act, Office of Foreign Asset Control, Anti-Bribery, Fraud

We have been developing our network of partnerships, subcontractors, and suppliers for as long as we have been in business. As a result, we have assembled a truly remarkable group of experienced trade partners who are ready to help our customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We know that the strength and success of our company are due in large part to our quality-conscious partners.

We have high expectations of our trade partners, and they too, can expect BluSky to deliver utmost respect, dignity, fairness, and honesty at all times.

If you or your company would like to be a part of what we do, please complete the forms within the Subcontractor Packet above and submit them as directed. We required our vendors and subcontractors to provide proof of all relevant licenses and insurance coverage. Subcontractors must comply with all laws and regulations concerning occupational health and safety, accident prevention, and safety equipment and practices. We will thoroughly review all of the information that you provide, and upon approval, will welcome you to our team. Thank you for your interest in BluSky.

As a way to recognize our vendors, BluSky holds quarterly vendor appreciation days. Contact us for information on our next event.


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