The Real Deal in Raleigh

Every office has one or two of these – those cultural cheerleaders who consistently make a positive impact and spread those feel-good vibes the moment they walk into a room. They are respected and trusted colleagues, value and appreciate everyone on their team, are caring and supportive, and thrive on celebrating workplace culture. Just as important, they have lots of fun along the way.

Dana Busche is nothing short of “all the above!” He began his career at BluSky as the only Technician in the Raleigh office, then moved up to a Project Manager, and now serves as Project Superintendent.

Recently in the Raleigh office’s Production Meeting, custom bracelets were given out to all employees. It turns out, Dana’s children made them for the team. If you look closely, they all spell out “BluSky!” This was an amazing gesture by Dana and his family and just another way he plays an impactful role in the Raleigh office and greater BluSky culture of family.

Between Dana’s busy days on the job, he shared his thoughts on our questions below.

Tell us about your favorite day at BluSky.

This would have to be the 2nd annual golf tournament that was just held by our office. Just out enjoying the day with my second family and spreading the BluSky love.

Does your branch do anything fun each year you look forward to?

Yes, our office holds the annual golf tournament every year (starting last year 2022) but other than that, I always look forward to the Operations Retreat. This is when we get to meet hundreds of new BluSky family members and catch up on old times with faces I already know.

What’s something you hope everyone admires in you?

That no matter what we’re going through, I’ll always be there with a smiling face ready to tackle whatever.

What’s a weird work habit you have?

Ahh – I don’t know if this could count to be one, but I like to scare anyone that comes to the Raleigh office…. So make sure when you come to visit you’re checking all blind spots…. Muahahaha.

Who is someone you work with who inspires you?

I would have to say each and every person in my office. From the VP, Renee, down to the new Technician, Justin. We are a family, we care for each other, and want the best for all of us – not just at work but in your personal life as well. I hope this doesn’t sound too cliché, but it’s the truth.

Do you have a morning routine you want to share?

Yes, we come in and get coffee, step outside, and smell the beautiful morning air. Then, I proceed to beat my Superintendent, Ryan, in a game of pool, then a nice game of horse with the Project Director, Ben – in which I win all the time… nothing new there… all before the day can begin.

What’s one thing you’ve learned here you will carry with you forever?

That culture is everything to a business.

Dana, you are appreciated and valued! Thank you for sharing your photos, thoughts and positivity with the world. You are the “real deal.”

Jenna Martin

Marketing Manager

Jenna is a Marketing Manager at BluSky Restoration Contractors. She coordinates national tradeshows, promotional items, apparel, BluSky Foundation/charitable events, merge and acquisition efforts, and corporate retreat planning. Jenna and her husband have one son and reside in Central Illinois. She loves working in the restoration industry because she is surrounded by genuine people in this field who value hard work, integrity, and empathy.

Jenna Martin

Marketing Manager
jenna martin headshot